
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gwen's faves 3 months

Gwen's faves 3 months

So these are a few things we have realized we can't live without in the last month...
From top right going clockwise and ending in middle.

  1. I mentioned in my last post how you can now endure riding in the car thanks to Baby Einstein DVDs! Baby Noah is by far your favorite and produces the most noise from you:)
  2. You are NOT a big fan of tummy time, however you do love to lay on your Sassy playmat and eat the red bird in the long as you are on your back!
  3. SWADDLEME!!! I wish I had know about these sooner:( You are a big time arm flinger, and you had trouble settling down unless you were swaddled. However you were quite the swaddle ninja no matter how tight I bundled you! We invested in one of these babies, and OH MY word! You and I both love it. You still poke your hands out from time to time, but you start settling down every night as soon as I wrap you in this. It's kinda like it has magical sleepy powers;) We only own the one but I will be investing in more as soon as we head to Babies R Us again.
  4. You truly are our Baby Bee:) You broke out soon after you were born, and then developed eczema. I tried all kinds of lotions and bath gel but they all seem to make it worse. I eventually tried Burt's Bees (kind spendy so I had put it off) and you started clearing up within days! We now use the whole line, cause turns out that even other butt creams make your tiny buns break out! 
  5. And last but not least, the newest member to your faves line up...the BUMBO. We love to see you sit and smile in this thing. In fact it has proved so useful we bought another one so we can have one upstairs and down! You seem like such a tiny "big" girl sitting up in it! See pic below for proof:)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gwen @ 3 Months

So do you like the consistancy with which I blog!?!
I figure it is like weight loss, you just jump back on like  you never stopped.

So here is an update on our newest family member.

Litte Miss Gwendalyn is 3 whole months old! I know all the moms say it, but honestly it just goes TO fast:(
This is photo dump of her 3rd month and a few stats.

 The standard 3 month onesie shots. A serious one that shows how big and lean you are to me at times, and a silly one, that shows how chunky and fun you are!

3 months brought lots of first for you...

Your very first Christmas. Which overall you weren't to enthused over:/

Your first Snow! 
We went to visit Memaw & Papaw in Illinois for New Years and you got to experience Snow:)

And then just to share some of your baby goodness... Some of my favorite shots from this month.

Don't you just want to eat those little toes!

Here are a few stats. These are mostly for me. I am old and one day this may be the only way to remember this stuff, since finding time to fill in a baby book is laughable...

  • You fit perfectly in 0-3 month clothes this last month:)
  • You really started to smile and engage people, and even occasionally laugh.
  • Right before Christmas you started "talking" to us, and now you do it LOTS!!!
  • You are wearing size 1 pampers still, but I am thinking that won't last much longer.
  • The playmat on the floor is one of the very few activites you enjoy (you really only like being held!). However tummy time is still a no-go.
  • You weighed in at 11 pounds and 2 ozs according to our scale at home.
  • You still nurse fairly often (like every 2 and half hours or so.) Yet you sleep fairly long stretches at night, sometimes going 6 or more hours. Nothing is predictable though...
  • Your buddy (pacifer) is one of your faves, but you have discovered your hand and like it alot too!
  • We let you watch Baby Einstein in the van, and now riding in the car is one of your favorite activites;)
Hopefully I will back track and do months 1 & 2 here soon, but no promises...