
Monday, September 26, 2011

Me, Muffin Tin Meals & The Magic School Bus

So Monday's at our house are not so fun for my kiddos. We always start our morning with chores, but Monday's are "Clean the House" day. Which means we dust, mop, clean glass, and basically put things to rights after the chaos of the weekend :/ On top of that "unfun" we always do extra subjects in school that day, due to our busy schedules on Tuesday & Wednesday. When we are out of the house for most of the day with Bible Study and Co-op. So to say the least my children aren't so fond of Mondays!

In an effort to make them dread Monday a little less, I had shared last week how I do "Muffin Tin Meals". I also have started letting them watch the Magic School Bus while they enjoy their tinned lunches. This is a fun little reward for helping around the house that morning, yet I don't feel to guilty because Magic School Bus is pretty educational! Here is what my guys enjoyed today:
Milk, Baby PBJ on mini flatbreads, cheese, grapes, chocolate chip cookies, and cheetos!
They watched the "Magic School Bus goes on Air" while noshing their lunch.

And because my Mom made a comment about my pic last week I am including a self photo, just for her:)
"HI Mom, I miss you!"

I am going to attempt to link this post to Muffin Tin Mondays. Wish me Luck!


Anonymous said...

What a fun lunch! We haven't started with the Magic School Bus series. I loved reading the books to my students.

lisa9999 said...

Looks like a nice lunch. Monday is tidy up day here as well.

Keck said...

So I sadly hadn't read your blog in a while due to time constraints (thank you school! :P lol) But I finally found time and read a few back blogs too. Did you know you have the cutest kids? Being rivaled only by the Picker children. Lol so I may have borrowed that picture of Gideyon (The day with the lunch baskets) and he's now my computer background :) Just thought I'd let you know I do love to know what y'all are doing :) Love you guys so much! Kelly Beth :)

Clare said...

Can you come make muffin tin lunches for me? I am putting muffin tins on the "to-buy" list THIS WEEK! I know my kids would love it.

Rachel said...

OK, first off, I'm kind of jealous of your 4 comments. I'm lucky if I get two or three. I know I have a lot more readers than commenters, but I can't help but feel a twinge of envy :)

Second.....YOU look soooo pretty. I always think you're gorgeous, and well put together and you dress impeccably and have an amazing way of putting outfits together, and did I mention gorgeous?

Love the muffin tin lunches. I saw muffin tins at the dollar store the other day and thought of you. I should buy them and use them for my kidinkles because they're still young enough to think that'd be fabulous! Love the the posts, and love that you 'invited' me to Pinterest. You rock!!!

Lisa said...

Yep! Pretty much ditto to all the sweet things my sister said. Isn't she so sweet, too? Also, honestly, my first thought when I saw you was, "She is so pretty."

Thanks a million for the post even though it makes me feel very guilty. We can hardly ever manage school and cleaning. You know it is one or the other, but rarely both at our house.

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