Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cozy Feeling
So as for the title of my post:Tonight after dinner, but before the muffins were done I went to my outdoor storage area to rummage through the Christmas stuff for my kids Christmas DVDs. While out there the wind was whipping, so I hurried and grabbed the rubbermaid and headed back inside. When I stepped in my kitchen I was just hit with a sudden wave of coziness! The house smelled good like cooking and baking, the heat was humming and my kids were laughing. Really if that's all I get for Christmas I think I could be pretty satisfied with it. Of course Steve and I snuggling up together watching Home Alone would be better, but a girl will take what the Army will give her:)
Hope you Have a Cozy Christmas Season!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm Ok, just Busy!
I have talked to Steve quite a few times and he seems to be doing fairly well. Keeping so busy helps him and I to whittle the days away. So if my post are few and far between just assume I am traveling or am busy trying to keep busy so the days will pass. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers-keep 'em coming!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The are in know particular order of importance or insanity:
1) I relieve stress by rearranging the furniture in my house. I just redid the living room and dining room this week, if you would like proof of the validity of this statement. This particular habit came into play the night before Gillyan was born and I took upon myself to rearrange our entire living quarters:)
2)I absolutely abhor talking on the phone! Especially if someone calls for no particular reason, they just "want to chat". It isn't that I don't want to keep up with you or all your going ons. I just prefer them in writtern form (blog, email, SOS whatever!) So please don't take it personal when I don't answer your calls, just leave me a message and if it is valid I will call you back:)
3) I am beyond Obessive Compulsive about matching. I am not talking just colors, I am discussing all aspects. Here are few examples- All spices in my cupboard are McComick brand, I won't buy anthing else. All cereal in my pantry must be by the same Manufactor, say I bought Cherrios this pay period, that would mean all other cereals in the pantry must be General Mills. This one is a great source of stress to my husband! Another example that isn't food is clothing, especially the childrens. I want the outfit they put on for the day to be all one brand, say Oshkosh, or Sonoma, or even Target. It just must all come from the same place.
Even my house some what follows this theme. All the rooms in my house (except the childrens) are either a color scheme of Black and neutrals, or a blend of Red, Green & Cream. The last peek in to my disorder is my need to have even my toothpaste be the same brand as my toothbrush. There now you know my deep dark secret!
4) I prefer things in even amounts, odd numbers are for odd people:) Even are kids hopefully will end up in even amounts. We would like 4. That number was arrived at by a little division. Steve is 1 of 2 children, I am 1 of 8. Four seemed like a fair amount:)
5) Salty over Sweet. If you want to tempt me off a diet offer me popcorn or chips (especially if there is dip!). I do enjoy dessert, but I would forgo it for another helping of mashed potatoes!
6)I always wanted a different name. Growing up I dreamed my last name would be Williams( I was to young to realize who that would reflect!) I am more than blessed though to have married a man with such a terrific last name and can't think of any better.I also always adored the first name Amy and would probably have changed my name to that if it weren't such a hassle!
OK, so now that you know not to call me and that I secretly go by Amy, you can come to my house and mis match my Tide detergent with Bounce softner to really drive me crazy!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Every Moment
My sister Clare and I have made an unofficial pact over our hubbies deployments to not only survive but to THRIVE. Does this mean that we won't cry, or that some days wish that we were the one thousands of miles away? NO! However we are going to make a dedicated effort to make each day count, not just count the days:) Not only for our own sakes but for of our kids. Please pray for us as we work on this all year.Bear with us as we have down days, and remember to send us your happy thoughts to brighten the boring days. We love all of you and couldn't even consider doing this with out the network that is our family and friends.
Steven Curtis Chapman has this song called Miracle of the Moment if you have it or can figure out how to listen to it on line for free please do it and think of me. I cried about this song the other day, not that it takes much lately to make me cry however I found it so fitting. Here is a link for a youtube video that plays the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rResKXjKqjQ I suggest cutting and pasting it into your browser bar, But I am including the lyrics incase like me you are electronically challenged and can't watch it:)
It's time for letting go
All of our "if onlies"
Cause we don't have a time machine
And even if we did
Would we really want to use it
Would we really want to go change everything
Cause we are who and where and what we are for now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about
So breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment
There's only One who knows
What's really out there waiting
And all the moments yet to be
And all we need to know
Is He's out there waiting
To Him the future's history
And He has given us a treasure called right now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about
And if it brings you tears
Then taste them as they fall
Let them soften your heart
And if it brings you laughter
Then throw your head back
And let it go
Let it go, yeah
You gotta let it go
And listen to your heartbeat
And breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now (here and now)
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle
Of the moment
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gilly Loses her 1st Tooth
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Rain Rain DON"T Go Away
Here is a Pic of my front garden getting some much needed rain:)
P.S. My online devotion today was on rain, I found it so fitting I wanted to share it with you.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sorting it All Out
So all that to say that my tidy little home, and my happily followed routines and schedules have been tossed to the wind the last week or so. Which I was trying to be OK with until this morning when I found Mt Laundry in my Laundry room! I almost dissolved into tears on the spot, because my normal agenda allows me to do 1 load a day and I am ALWAYS caught up this way. But as I said normal has been an ugly word around here, so the laundry had been allowed to slide for the last few days. But instead of weeping, I decided to that we had to have clean towels so I would at least put those in, so as I am throwing towels in the washer I start throwing other things into like piles (most people would call that sorting but it wasn't on purpose so I don't think I should:). And as I reached for the last towel I realized something- I only had about 3 loads of wash! I had truly made a mountain out of a mole hill.
I think my lesson from all this was how often I with "Eeyore" syndrome as my dad calls it, make much out of not much. Very often I am sure. So I think from now on when I start to feel the world caving in on me, I am going to attempt to sit down and "sort it all out" and see if it is really the huge traumatic issue I am trying to make it.
So along those lines I think I will sign off and go enjoy my family while we are all still together, remembering that Mt Laundry after Steve is gone may very well be all I have to do!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Mommy Heart
Today part of me wanted to hold back from cuddling and fussing, I felt that in someways Gideyon brought this on himself. He refused to eat lunch today (leftovers;) and all he had for breakfast was a bowl of cereal. So when he complained of a headache this afternoon I brushed it off as him needing to eat. Then his well meaning father was rough housing on the bed with him and knocked his head. So his headache got worse and we decided to try and feed him. While in the midst of that he went ahead and threw up. So now I am wondering does he have a concussion, is his blood sugar so low he puked? I am starting to worry so I call the best nurse I know-my mom:)She advises crackers and a close eye and sure enough he seems to perk up.
Later tonight he started to droop again, and I thought he may have been running a fever. So I give in to my maternal instincts and babied my baby. And as I did it, I couldn't help but think: how often does God hold me and say "I love you, I want to make this better". I know though that often I am like Gideyon and it is my own stubbornness or maybe even what I consider helpfulness that has hindered my "recovery".
Regardless I am glad God isn't like me and doesn't hold me at arms length at times saying"You brought this on yourself!" So tonight I will mimic my heavenly father and hold my baby and wish I could take away his suffering
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Bean's Birthday!
Yesterday Gillyan turned 6! Steve and I are both in a little shock that our first "baby" is in school, having loose teeth and turning 6. If you know me well at all you probably know that birthdays are BIG are my house. You are King/Queen of the Castle for the day. What ever you say goes from what we eat to where we go. Gillyan took full advantage of this for the first time this year. In previous years she was to young to realize the full power of "birthday girl" but made up for it this year!
She started her day off with breakfast in bed, a beautiful tradition started by my mother. We (her dad, brother and I) entered her room with this tray singing Happy Birthday.
The pink enevlope on her tray was a princess card from her great-Grams and Gramps and had twenty dollars in it! She proceeded to clutch it and dance around the room singing! Gillyan then informed us that her plan for the day was to go to Target so she could spend her money at the dollar spot:) She then put on one of my least favorite outfits and I bit my tongue as she put on shoes that didn't match and insisted I not do her hair, after all she was the birthday princess. Then we headed to Target. To give her a little credit she didn't spend all her money on "junk", she bought something for her brother and then bought a barbie. However to give you idea what she will do if you if you send her money I have included the following pic of her treasures from the dollar spot.
After spending some of her cash we headed to her choice for lunch, Whataburger. Then we were off to shop some more(are you noting the Riddle gene here:). Then we headed home for a little while and rounded out the day with presents from her dad and I and ice cream at Dairy Queen. She would rather have ice cream any day than cake! She was thrilled that her last present of the day was a card from Grammy and Grampa Doc that had a Target gift card! She was bugging us already after church today to go to Target so she could "use her debit card from Grammy".
Here are a few more pics of Gilly Beans Big Day
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My Artist/Jedi

I have not gone into a lot about my kids, probably due to the fact that most of my life revolves around them and it was kinda a nice change of pace. However my mother pointed out that I could print out my post as a journal of sorts and I am sure one day I will want to look back and remember cute things they did or said. So today I am going to give a short blog on Gideyon. Gideyon is our 4 1/2 year old son, who is all boy! If boys do it, Gideyon has or does it-runs everywhere, talks at abnormally loud decibels, makes messes everywhere he goes, constantly looks like Pigpen from Charlie Brown etc. However he is his fathers child which makes me smile just by looking at him!
For the last couple months he has been slightly obsessed with Star Wars, he tends to phase through stuff but this one has been more fun for us due to his father's lifelong goal of being a jedi:) So with Gideyon as the Padawan learner and Steve as the Jedi Master we have learned to control the galaxy at the Goodman house. Except for when Mom goes to the Dark side and has to bring everyone back to earth:) No really, Gideyon knows enough about Star Wars to play trivial pursuit in a competition which makes Steve the proudest dad ever! So today my little Jedi sits at the table and colors picture after picture of his favorite Star Wars "figgers" as he calls them. So above I have shown you what I consider the best likeness of Yoda ever. I will also give you my favorite Gideyon Star Wars quote to date: "Mom how do you spell R2D2?" If that doesn't strike you as funny try saying it outloud!:)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Yeah It's Monday!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
One Car Countdown
1)More family time! Every time DH needs dropped off or picked up the kids and I drop what we are doing, grab our stuff and spend 15 extra minutes with Dad we would have otherwise missed.
2)Evaluate Schedule-Do I really have to run that errand? Can I combine any of our trips on and off posts. Can I schedule that appt for another day? All the things that I once just closed my eyes and planned I now think through a little more objectively.
3) Save Gas! Oddly enough we seem to be saving gasoline. I am guessing that all those days that he keeps the van and I am grounded at home are days I would have normally run around town (probably for no good reason!)
4) Better Schedule- Since we have to drop Steve off most mornings, we are getting in the routine of all getting up a little earlier, getting dressed, having breakfast as a family and heading out the door. As soon as the kids and I get back, we start right in on our daily schedule since we are already dressed and ready for the day!
5)More time at home- This kinda goes with number 2, but I just have been amazed at how freeing it is to be home bound. On the days Steve keeps the van, I know that I can really spend time that day on housework, the kids schooling, or even baking without fear that I will have to hurry to make it to the next deadline event. Why this week alone the kids and I have done school every day (which honestly since they are in kindergarten and preschool is alot!), I have baked an apple pie to surprise my honey, I organized a couple of closets and cabinets, and rearranged and spruced up Gillyan's room.
OK, so that is like my longest post to date but who doesn't like a countdown!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
No place like home
Friday, September 12, 2008
Bye Bye George
So for today's saga....
No really last week was hard and this week was peachy in comparison, however today did prove trying. Last week one of our hardships was that my husband truly got in an "accident" with our little Geo Metro. If you know us very well you know that "George" was more a pet than a car, so it was a little hard to take. So here we are this week adjusting to being a one car family and mourning the loss of George, when today our new van gets hit! If you are thinking you would like details, well so would I! It was a hit and run, I am guessing in the parking lot of Wal-mart(maybe there is a lesson there about to much Wal-mart) and I only noticed the damage once I was home and unloading. Needless to say I have made the claim and we are awaiting further word. I think maybe I am supposed to be learning something about staying at home more, but I am SLOW learner;0
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What I Need
For those that don't know last week was one of the hardest weeks I have had in probably years. I won't spell out my sob story, but suffice it to say if it could go wrong it did! So that brings me to how God is so good. I am taking a Bible study on post called "Calm my Anxious Heart" and I have to be honest I signed up because I am somewhat of a control freak and because a friend that I just adore is teaching it. However when I actually got into that study I was astounded because it is talking about Contentment! Well that has been an area I have struggled with for years, and I just know God is going to use this book to teach me a few things about not always thinking the "grass is greener". We had our first class today and I took such a feeling of peace away with me today. I also was convicted that I need to pray for a "battle buddy" someone here in my area that can connect with me in only the way another Army wife can while Steve is gone. So please add that to your prayer request.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Everybody is Doing it!
Unfortunately I don't have a lot to put in tonight as it took me the computer genius an hour to set up my blog and profile. But hopefully I will having something more fun to report soon:)