Today's Gifty is by far my favorite idea this week. It is an adorable dish towel apron! This little project takes less than 10 minutes to complete, cost less than $5, and is SO cute!
All ya need to get started is a generous size dishtowel (usually any that aren't made from terrycloth or such work). Mine was from Target's last year clearance and it was about 18x28.
You will also want some good width ribbon, and any embellishments if you so choose. Now begin by laying your towel out and cutting it about 5/8ths the short way. This does not need to be an exact measurement you are just going to iron down and hem anyway. So basically cut it as short or long as you want:)
After you iron your hem down turn right side up and lay about 6 feet of ribbon across the top where your hem will be. If you want a side bow like I used, just position your ribbon about a foot or so more to one side. Run a straight stitch across the top & bottom of the ribbon to anchor in place and Wal-lah! cutey Christmas apron finished!
Now I loved my snowman one so much, and he goes with my decor so I can't give him away. However I made my favorite readers a different example, and one commenter can win the apron pictured below. I had trouble finding towels that had cute appliques already on them like the snowman one, so I bought a cute patterned towel and embellished it with some fabric flowers. The flowers are simply safety pinned on so they can be removed when you wash the apron. Now go buy towels and whip a dozen of these cuties for all the gals you know!;)
Into the Unknown
4 years ago
I think if you used a smaller towel this would make ADORABLE little girls aprons, too. I like your flowers. I definitely need a sewing machine...
Cute aprons, but what's with witholding the snowman one? I think it is adorable, too. I agree with Clare that they would make adorable little girl aprons or even little guy ones if you use a guy color and of course, no flowers!
Ok, on second thought, you really do need the snowman one because you don't have any real snow. Ours is melting :( but hopefully we will have more for Christmas and maybe you will too, in IL.
P.S. I think the apron looks exceptionally well on the model who is looking definitely thinner. :o)
Nina - your comment was too funny because prior to seeing it I was thinking, while reading the blog, "How rude to show us an adorable snowman apron and then not make it available." :) ha ha. So darling. Who thinks this stuff up? Easy AND cute. My favorite combination!
So cute! I love them! You are super crafty and I have really enjoyed all your cute crafts! I like half aprons they are adorable!
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