
Friday, August 19, 2011

Makes my heart go Flip Flop!

So I am back from my many travels this summer and I already have a TON going on! However before I get into the Fall swing of things, I have a fun summer post. I put this wreath together and couldn't be more pleased with it. It is the perfect thing to hang on my front door between 4th of July & Fall. I will admit this isn't the cheapest wreath I have ever made, but I thought the result was well worth the cost:)

This really was super UNCOMPLICATED so I won't bore you with many details, I will just give you a brief overview.
1) I bought a flat wooden wreath form from Micheals. Used a 40% off coupon and I think I only paid like $6 or so. Then I spray painted it white. That is what went with my flops best but you could definetily mix things up here:)
2) I then spent WAY longer than I need to arranging the flops onto the wreath in the order I wanted. I used girls size 1 flops that I got for $1.26 a pair and ended up needing 6 pairs. If you use larger or smaller flop this number could be different. Then I hot glued all the flops onto the wreath form.
3) I bought a couple spools of coordinating ribbon at Hobby Lobby 1/2 off, and used them to make a big ole bulky bow. to fill in the spot were I couldn't fit another pair of flops and to add some dimension.

And that my friends is IT!! Honestly I think I did the whole wreath for around $20 and spent less than 1/2 hour making it (excluding spray painting & drying). Not bad for such a fun result:)


  1. Cute on your blog, even cuter in person! It so fits with your love of flip flops. Glad to see you back blogging again.

  2. Oh I've missed you! And I love your wreath - probably because I too think flip-flops should be year-round shoes. I hate when I have to switch to 'real' shoes :(
