
Friday, January 28, 2011

Jumping off the Bridge

So if everyone is doing it, obviously I will too! All my family members have changed their blog backgrounds & headers to these amazing, eye catching designs. So I felt mine needed a update desperately also. I wanted to steal my sister Lisa Dawn's adorable Poppy background, but didn't think she would appreciate that. So instead I searched the web and found the current background, which totally reflects me. The colors are one of my favorite color combos, besides yellow & turquoise (which is my other favorite). I wish I could figure out how to do all the other little changes that Lisy did, but I was pleased with the few I figured out. So hopefully my new background will inspire to get back on the blog band wagon!


  1. Oooo very nice! It's super Robynesque. I like it! I really had no idea what I was doing, so I just messed around until I figured some of it out. I still didn't get it perfect but I think it's pretty cute and yours is too!

  2. I love it! The cute swirly font is fun, too. Why does everyone always have to one-up me? Why couldn't I have been born into a family of all boys?;) Just kidding- I wouldn't trade my wonderful sister for the world.

  3. So glad you are back in blogland! I think the new background/blog is very tasteful and pretty just like the author.

  4. When I saw this I immediately thought, "that's so Robyn." It kind of looks like Lemon Parfait :)
