
Monday, December 6, 2010

Let the Week of Gifties & Giveaways Begin!

So I am super excited to share this week with you! I have several fun little crafty/cooking things that I made, and I will be showing you at least one idea every day this week. Then I will randomly select a commenter to give the example away to! How fun for me & you:) For simplicity sake I will be selecting the winners from the entire week this weekend. Make sure when you leave a comment I have some way to contact you encase you win and I need your address.

So with out further ado...Monday's gifties is a Ribbon Twirler. This cute little idea is perfect for any little girl and a snap to make. And if that isn't enough incentive the total cost is less than $3! Here is what you will need to start this project: A 12 inch piece of dowel rod (mine was about the same diameter as a dime), 3 to 4 coordinating ribbons in different widths, acrylic paint to match, and one "eye" like from a hook and eye set. I found these at Lowes in 2 & 3 packs depending on size for less than a buck.

At this point you will probably need to drill a hole in the end of the dowel rod so that it is easier to insert the eye. I had my handy husband do this;) Then using the eye as a hand hold proceed to paint your rod the color of your choice.
After painting the rod lay across a paper plate to dry. This won't take long! I then applied a second coat just for good measure, and allowed it to dry also.

 While your rod is drying, cut 5 feet of each ribbon and then make a separate small loop ( about the size of a half dollar) from your thinnest ribbon and knot it closed. Take your other ribbons and barley thread them through your ribbon loop, leave just enough ends to either sew or hot glue the ends down. So now you should have a loop with the 5 feet of different ribbons trailing down it:)

Take your loop and squeeze it through the small slit on the "eye". This basically finishes your Ribbon Twirler! You can hot glue the small slit shut if you are worried about the ribbon coming back through, but I didn't find it necessary on mine. I also would think a nice coat of clear shellac would a bonus too, but I didn't have any. This is what the finished product looks like:)

My daughter LOVED this thing and actually requested we make some for her friends for Christmas. I think they would be great stocking stuffers! It is just a fun silly girly thing to make:) Hope you enjoy and be sure to leave a comment if you would like to win the pink & black one from my demo!


  1. What if you don't have a handy husband to drill a hole for you? Or a drill? Oh that's right- you just have your sister make one for you!:) Too cute.

  2. That IS super cute. I'm partial to the colors :) Hard to believe kids would be so intrigued by a stick with ribbons, but they do love such a thing don't they?! :)
