
Monday, May 3, 2010

Manic Monday- Happiness Is...

Short but Sweet today! Here are a few things that are making me smile lately.
Flowers from my Honey for NO GOOD REASON! Aren't they pretty? He said he just wanted to brighten my day!
Beautiful! Cheap! Big Blackberries! I have been putting these in the yummiest smoothies. Gets my morning off to such a good start:)
The Yummy Smoothie previously mentioned. Easy Peasy! Blend the following together in a blender till smooth:
  • 1 Container thick vanilla yogurt
  • 8-12 fresh blackberries
  • 1/4 cup OJ (more if needed to thin to taste)
  • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream (about 1/4 a cup)
  • 4-6 ice cubes
  • Dash of vanilla
Makes 2 generous smoothies! I always start with the smaller amount and add more as I eyeball the consistency.
   The hoard of wild Roses right outside my kitchen window. Who wouldn't smile to see a hundred blooms everyday?
They aren't always grins and giggles but I do so love these smiling faces!

Hope your Monday was filled with Happiness and Smiles.


  1. I want to come over and sip a blackberry smoothie with you and Gilly and Giddy! Also, I love the flowers the wild ones and the ones Steve brought you. How sweet!

  2. It all sounds so fun. The smoothie does look easy, but blackberries are not in abundance here and are super expensive right now. Flowers are beautiful both on the table and in the yard. The kids look so adorable.
    Thanks for sharing. Love to you all, MOM

  3. Flowers are non-existent here. Planting season doesn't really start until June.:( However, the flowers Steve bought you are gorgeous (especially in your pretty pitcher). It was SNOWING and 36 on Sunday. Could you bring some of your weather, please?:)Oh.. and your blender 'cause I don't have that either!

  4. You add ice cream to your wonder they're so good :) I can't really eat smoothies because berries and I don't get along too well. I do love them though!

    Your flowers are gorgeous. I've been thinking about getting some climbing roses for my house. They're really care free and I love a plant that requires little to no attention!
