
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Give it a Whirl Wednesday-Bread Flats

I told you I couldn't decide about the name for Wednesdays posts, may have to play around with it a bit more to find something I like. Anywhoo... on to the item of the week:
Bread Flats! I know you've seen them, they have like 3 different brands with 2 or more flavors. And of course yours truly has tried them all; you name it I've bought them. Entenmanns, Thomas, Pepperidge Farm etc. All with varied results. My favorite ended up being the Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain White. I have tried some of the multi grain versions, I just didn't prefer the taste and texture. That was what cinched the PF variety for me. They were really smooth with a light texture. 
However I did decide that my mind set had a lot to do with my enjoyment of these "buns". I realized I needed to look at these at round pieces of bread NOT flat buns. Because in the end no matter the brand my family preferred these in place of bread not buns. I think this is why I couldn't really get into the "bagel thins" that are out also, see I like a bagel I can sink my teeth into. Not a crispy thin piece of toast with a hole in the middle. Now if you are one of those healthy type people that likes to drink your breakfast in the form of a "shake" or inhale it in the form of a nutrition bar then these are for you. All of them! However I am old fashioned and when I think a bagel should be chewy or a bun should be fluffy no matter how it taste I am not pleased if it is flat!

ALL that to say that I would guess my family will continue to buy these about once a month. Here are some of our favorites ways to use them:
  • Sandwich Melts : this our favorite! Slather Mayo and Mustard on the buns, pile high with deli meat and top with nice cheese such as Munster or Provolone. Place in broiler on low till cheesy becomes melty.
  • Salad Sandwiches: this is a funny way to say that we like tuna, chicken or even egg salad on these.
  • Chicken Breast Sandwiches: We use tyson's chicken patties and make up nice sandwiches complete with lettuce, tomato & onion.
  • PBJ: I know it sounds 2 year oldish but honestly these are almost better on Bread Flats than regular bread!
How bout you? Have you used these yet? Do you have a favorite brand/variety? Someone let me know if they have tried toasting these and eating them like toast/english muffins in the morning. It is the only thing I haven't tried yet and I saw the suggestion today on the package and thought it sounded fun!


  1. I have tried these in a brand that I can't remember. They are relatively inexpensive at Costco. Some of my guys really like them while others do not. I like the whole wheat/grain, but there again, the family thinks that might speak of healthy and they don't go for it.

    I really had only used them in exchange for hamburger buns, but Katy uses them for sandwiches. I liked your ideas of chicken and egg salad. I'll have to try those.

  2. We buy the Orowheat brand and I prefer the multi-grain while Cory likes the whole wheat. I often make sandwiches out of them, or use them for hamburger buns. They're wonderful....all the pleasure of bread without all the calories.
