
Thursday, May 7, 2009

5 Faves

I haven 't done a list in while and I do so adore one. So out of sheer boredom here are 5 of my current "new" favorite things:

  1. Scent- Green Citrus from Bath & Body. This is such a clean fresh scent that I have it everywhere from my air fresheners to my body wash!
  2. Drink- Izze Apple. Everytime I go in to be seen I get a lecture on staying hydrated, so in search of something I could down quickly I found these guys, and I have to say I actually love all the flavors but Apple is my favorite.
  3. Shoes- My new beaded coral flops from Target! They go with like half my summer clothes and I swear they make my legs look tanner:)
  4. Music/Song- Innocent by Stellar Kart. Everytime they play this song, I have to sing it and it makes me want to try a little harder to be less like the world.
  5. Book- My new bible study book: Me, Myself & Lies by Jennifer Rothchild. I never realize how hard we as women are on ourselves but this study has been eye opening. I am growing in places I didn't know needed watered!

Ok, so you are now current on all my trend setting favorites. Hurry out and duplicate them all so you to can be as fabulous as me!


  1. So, since I stole your last Bible study I will have to check into this one, too. It is a good thing we live so far apart, otherwise people would think I am a lot less cool than I appear to be. That is because they would realize all my best ideas come from you! Love ya!

  2. Hi Robyn! I love Izze drinks, the blackberry is my favorite. You will have to tell me about these coral flip-flops, because my ghost legs need all the elp they can get.

  3. Big sisters have all the good ideas. Your mom would swear I have no original thoughts. Everything I own stemmed from her :)

  4. Fun blog. Thanks for sharing. My favorite Izze is the Mandarin Orange. I find that I can drink these very easily especially when they are ice cold! I had one this very evening at a friend's house. You do have great ideas and we do all love to copy you. Veras are my latest favorite mimic.

  5. Oh your so wonderful!!! I love my BoBo!! You have the best idea's ever!! You always love such fun things!!! Can I be you when I grow up?!?!?! You are just the best. Love you so much Robyn!! Keckie
