
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Every Moment

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions as we truly begin the countdown for Steve's departure. I think my sister wrote about this when her husband left, but I wanted to reiterate it. How sad it is that when we begin to count down the moments and day, is usually the only time we decide to make moments "count". I wish it weren't so, I wish I could look at everyday as if it were a countdown to a separation. But so often I just get caught up in surviving, that I forget to see the beauty that is routine in my life.

My sister Clare and I have made an unofficial pact over our hubbies deployments to not only survive but to THRIVE. Does this mean that we won't cry, or that some days wish that we were the one thousands of miles away? NO! However we are going to make a dedicated effort to make each day count, not just count the days:) Not only for our own sakes but for of our kids. Please pray for us as we work on this all year.Bear with us as we have down days, and remember to send us your happy thoughts to brighten the boring days. We love all of you and couldn't even consider doing this with out the network that is our family and friends.

Steven Curtis Chapman has this song called Miracle of the Moment if you have it or can figure out how to listen to it on line for free please do it and think of me. I cried about this song the other day, not that it takes much lately to make me cry however I found it so fitting. Here is a link for a youtube video that plays the song I suggest cutting and pasting it into your browser bar, But I am including the lyrics incase like me you are electronically challenged and can't watch it:)

It's time for letting go
All of our "if onlies"
Cause we don't have a time machine

And even if we did
Would we really want to use it
Would we really want to go change everything

Cause we are who and where and what we are for now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about

So breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment

There's only One who knows
What's really out there waiting
And all the moments yet to be
And all we need to know
Is He's out there waiting
To Him the future's history

And He has given us a treasure called right now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about


And if it brings you tears
Then taste them as they fall
Let them soften your heart

And if it brings you laughter
Then throw your head back
And let it go
Let it go, yeah
You gotta let it go

And listen to your heartbeat


And breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now (here and now)
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle
Of the moment


  1. I am thinking that Steven Curtis Chapman know about appreciating the moment. I think as humans it is impossible to live without regrets, because we are imperfect, but I think there is no harm in striving for perfection, anyway. Here's to the next year-may every day be counted as a blessing!

  2. I think if I were in your shoes I would try to have one event per month (at least) to look forward to. It will help the time pass faster if you know you have something fun to anticipate.

    Of course you know you can call your dear old aunt anytime, and I will call you back because I have unlimited long distance. I'm hear to vent, cry, laugh, whatever you need. Sometimes it's just nice to hear another adult when you've heard little voices all day long :)

    Much love, and you're in our prayers of course. Love, Me

  3. Thanks for sharing from your heart. These are the times when we contemplate everything. So, here is one to add to your contemplations: How did God feel when Jesus came to earth? Remember the old song, He left the splendor of Heaven knowing His destiny was the lonely hill of Golgatha, there He lay down His life for me: If that isn't love?...

    We are praying for all of you and we are here when you need us.

  4. Tell Steve not to worry. Luke prays for Joel every single day and I am sure he will be happy to add Steve to his list, too. Mark often remembers, too.

  5. you miss my blog, i tagged you 3 days ago... anyway, nice post again... :)
